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MacOS MongoDB 설치 및 설정 본문


MacOS MongoDB 설치 및 설정

프론트포텐 2024. 2. 2. 13:24



Install MongoDB Community Edition on macOS — MongoDB Manual

Docs Home → MongoDB Manual MongoDB AtlasMongoDB Atlas is a hosted MongoDB service option in the cloud which requires no installation overhead and offers a free tier to get started.Use this tutorial to install MongoDB 7.0 Community Edition on macOS using



Homebrew Tap 등록

brew tap mongodb/brew

MongoDB 설치

brew install mongodb-community

MongoDB 버전 확인

mongo -version

MongoDB 데이터 저장소 생성

sudo mkdir -p /Users/$(whoami)/data/db

MongoDB 서비스 실행

brew services start mongodb-community

MongoDB 서비스 종료

brew services stop mongodb-community


MongoDB 상태 확인

brew services list


MongoDB 기본 포트 확인

lsof -i:27017


MongoDB 서버 실행

sudo mongod --dbpath data/db


MongoDB 명령어 프롬프트 접속


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