일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
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- useRef
- useCallback
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- react
- useEffect
- 리액트 쿼리
- ReactQuery
- useMemo
- 이미지 배경 지우기
- listeners
- react native
- 포트폴리오 사이트
- bottom tabBar
- useState
- nodejs
- mongoDB
- tabBarStyle
- Drawer
- oh-my-zsh
- bottom tabs
- Hook 함수
- MonGo
- Stack
- redux/toolkit
- gitpages
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프론트엔드 개발자의 개발 놀이터
자주 사용하는 RN 라이브러리 정리 본문
- async-storage 라이브러리
GitHub - react-native-async-storage/async-storage: An asynchronous, persistent, key-value storage system for React Native.
An asynchronous, persistent, key-value storage system for React Native. - GitHub - react-native-async-storage/async-storage: An asynchronous, persistent, key-value storage system for React Native.
- RN css-in-js 라이브러리
- RN 원격 푸시 알림 라이브러리
GitHub - zo0r/react-native-push-notification: React Native Local and Remote Notifications
React Native Local and Remote Notifications. Contribute to zo0r/react-native-push-notification development by creating an account on GitHub.
- iOS 푸시알림 라이브러리
GitHub - react-native-push-notification/ios: React Native Push Notification API for iOS.
React Native Push Notification API for iOS. Contribute to react-native-push-notification/ios development by creating an account on GitHub.
- 파이어베이스 라이브러리
GitHub - invertase/react-native-firebase: 🔥 A well-tested feature-rich modular Firebase implementation for React Native. Supp
🔥 A well-tested feature-rich modular Firebase implementation for React Native. Supports both iOS & Android platforms for all Firebase services. - GitHub - invertase/react-native-firebase: 🔥 A w...
- RN 내비게이터 라이브러리
GitHub - react-navigation/react-navigation: Routing and navigation for your React Native apps
Routing and navigation for your React Native apps. Contribute to react-navigation/react-navigation development by creating an account on GitHub.
- 하단 탭 내비게이터 라이브러리
GitHub - react-navigation/react-navigation: Routing and navigation for your React Native apps
Routing and navigation for your React Native apps. Contribute to react-navigation/react-navigation development by creating an account on GitHub.
- RN 화면 전환 라이브러리 (내비게이터 라이브러리와 의존 관계)
GitHub - software-mansion/react-native-screens: Native navigation primitives for your React Native app.
Native navigation primitives for your React Native app. - GitHub - software-mansion/react-native-screens: Native navigation primitives for your React Native app.
- RN SafeAreaView 보완 라이브리러 (내비게이터 라이브러리와 의존 관계)
GitHub - th3rdwave/react-native-safe-area-context: A flexible way to handle safe area insets in JS. Also works on Android and We
A flexible way to handle safe area insets in JS. Also works on Android and Web! - GitHub - th3rdwave/react-native-safe-area-context: A flexible way to handle safe area insets in JS. Also works on ...
- RN Fonts 설정 라이브러리
GitHub - unimonkiez/react-native-asset: Linking and unlinking of assets 🔥
Linking and unlinking of assets 🔥. Contribute to unimonkiez/react-native-asset development by creating an account on GitHub.
- RN dotenv 라이브러리
GitHub - goatandsheep/react-native-dotenv: Load react native environment variables using import statements for multiple env file
Load react native environment variables using import statements for multiple env files. - GitHub - goatandsheep/react-native-dotenv: Load react native environment variables using import statements ...
- RN 파일 시스템 라이브러리
GitHub - itinance/react-native-fs: Native filesystem access for react-native
Native filesystem access for react-native. Contribute to itinance/react-native-fs development by creating an account on GitHub.
- RN 파일 선택 라이브러리
GitHub - rnmods/react-native-document-picker: Document Picker for React Native using Document Providers
Document Picker for React Native using Document Providers - GitHub - rnmods/react-native-document-picker: Document Picker for React Native using Document Providers
- RN 파일 다운로드/업로드 라이브러리
GitHub - joltup/rn-fetch-blob: A project committed to making file access and data transfer easier, efficient for React Native de
A project committed to making file access and data transfer easier, efficient for React Native developers. - GitHub - joltup/rn-fetch-blob: A project committed to making file access and data transf...
- RN 사진 선택 라이브러리
GitHub - react-native-image-picker/react-native-image-picker: :sunrise_over_mountains: A React Native module that allows you to
:sunrise_over_mountains: A React Native module that allows you to use native UI to select media from the device library or directly from the camera. - GitHub - react-native-image-picker/react-nativ...
- RN SVG 라이브러리
GitHub - software-mansion/react-native-svg: SVG library for React Native, React Native Web, and plain React web projects.
SVG library for React Native, React Native Web, and plain React web projects. - GitHub - software-mansion/react-native-svg: SVG library for React Native, React Native Web, and plain React web proje...
- RN 아이콘 라이브러리
GitHub - oblador/react-native-vector-icons: Customizable Icons for React Native with support for image source and full styling.
Customizable Icons for React Native with support for image source and full styling. - GitHub - oblador/react-native-vector-icons: Customizable Icons for React Native with support for image source a...
- RN WebView 라이브러리
GitHub - react-native-webview/react-native-webview: React Native Cross-Platform WebView
React Native Cross-Platform WebView. Contribute to react-native-webview/react-native-webview development by creating an account on GitHub.
- RN 제스처 핸들러 라이브러리
GitHub - software-mansion/react-native-gesture-handler: Declarative API exposing platform native touch and gesture system to Rea
Declarative API exposing platform native touch and gesture system to React Native. - GitHub - software-mansion/react-native-gesture-handler: Declarative API exposing platform native touch and gestu...
- RN 애니메이션 및 이벤트 처리 로직 라이브러리
GitHub - software-mansion/react-native-reanimated: React Native's Animated library reimplemented
React Native's Animated library reimplemented. Contribute to software-mansion/react-native-reanimated development by creating an account on GitHub.
- RN UI 키트 라이브러리 (Google’s Material Design guidelines)
GitHub - callstack/react-native-paper: Material Design for React Native (Android & iOS)
Material Design for React Native (Android & iOS). Contribute to callstack/react-native-paper development by creating an account on GitHub.
- RN 리스트 랜더링 라이브러리
GitHub - Shopify/flash-list: A better list for React Native
A better list for React Native. Contribute to Shopify/flash-list development by creating an account on GitHub.
- 웹 스크래핑 라이브러리
GitHub - leon3110l/react-native-cheerio: Fast, flexible, and lean implementation of core jQuery designed specifically for the se
Fast, flexible, and lean implementation of core jQuery designed specifically for the server. - GitHub - leon3110l/react-native-cheerio: Fast, flexible, and lean implementation of core jQuery design...
- Apple 로그인 라이브러리
GitHub - invertase/react-native-apple-authentication: A React Native library providing support for Apple Authentication on iOS a
A React Native library providing support for Apple Authentication on iOS and Android. - GitHub - invertase/react-native-apple-authentication: A React Native library providing support for Apple Auth...
- 카카오 로그인 라이브러리
GitHub - crossplatformkorea/react-native-kakao-login: react-native native module for Kakao sign in.
react-native native module for Kakao sign in. Contribute to crossplatformkorea/react-native-kakao-login development by creating an account on GitHub.
- 네이버 로그인 라이브러리
GitHub - crossplatformkorea/react-native-naver-login: 리엑트 네이티브 네이버 로그인 라이브러리
리엑트 네이티브 네이버 로그인 라이브러리. Contribute to crossplatformkorea/react-native-naver-login development by creating an account on GitHub.
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